I know I do. I have for a few years now. It's partly curiosity (how much can I actually read in a year?) and partly motivational (I know I can read more than this!).
I use Goodreads and have dabbled using Bookly. Goodreads has the benefit of being free to use, with an overall easy way of categorizing what I do read (by the way, click here if you'd like to be friends on Goodreads!).
Currently this is what my reading challenge for 2019 looks like:
Second of all, there are better things to think about. Seriously.
I love the look of Goodreads' infographics when it comes to the reading challenge. It doesn't say much, but it says what it needs to. I cringe when I read "16 books behind schedule" because it's like I can hear a ticking clock in the back of my mind and anyone who really knows me, knows how sensitive I am to a ticking clock. Both literally and figuratively.
I'm not too hard on myself if I don't follow through with my goals. For example, I had the same goal last year, but didn't make it. I know life happens, and I can't predict how I'll be feeling. Sometimes, I don't feel well enough to read a book and that's okay. I've gotten better at being nicer to myself.
But it sure feels good to see that number rise lol
How about you? Do you track your reading? Why/why not?