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When I was a teenager, I lived in that space where I wanted to be nothing like my fellow classmates while simultaneous wanting to have something of the "normal" Texas teenager experience. Part of this was the act of having a mum. I remember that girls wanted to have the biggest and cutest mums. Now, in hindsight, I'm not sure why? I mean - what is the purpose of a mum?
If you're curious like I was when I chose to review Mumentous, look no further - this book will scratch that itch! From its humble beginnings to it's outrageous modern versions - it will open your eyes to all the things you never knew you wanted to know about this Texas tradition. Schultz is detailed in her telling of mum history - in a way that both makes you giggle and also gives your heart a tug. You will not make a mistake in picking up this book!
Aside from my own experiences with mums, this book scratched an itch that is very particular to me (it might be to you too, but I digress) - I absolutely love works that show the passion or obsession we have with places, things, or events. Where there is passion, there is a deep dive into something I didn't even know I wanted to know. Sense a theme?
On that note - definitely check this out if anything about it grabs your attention (as it should). You won't regret it.