Publisher: Cinco Puntos Press
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Date of Publication: August 20, 2019
Number of Pages: 306
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Cinco Puntos Press ◆ Octavia Books ◆ Murder by the Book
◆ Indiebound ◆ Galveston Bookshop ◆ Book People
◆ Interabang Books ◆ Collected Works ◆ Tattered Cover
There is a bit of a glimpse as to who Delpha and Tom are from The Do-Right, but the reader truly starts to understand who these two are once we are introduced to the fact that Delpha has done some time and Tom rushes to help keep her out of it at the beginning of Bird Boys. There as an obvious and mutual appreciation between the P.I. (Tom) and Delpha. It was evident from the get-go that I was sincerely going to enjoy these characters - and I did. Author, Lisa Sandlin, does a fantastic job in creating characters that the reader can care about and thoroughly appreciate. In my opinion, this is due a lot to the fact that Sandlin gives us the opportunity to experience this story through both of the POVs of Tom and Delpha. I absolutely adore reading two POVs in stories (anyone who has read my other reviews knows this). There are many layers to Tom and Delpha and the execution of their stories by Sandlin as well as the characters’ personalities only adds to the mutual gratitude the characters have for each other, and that we, the readers, have for them.
Speaking of layers - that is also the way I would describe this story. Firstly, the atmosphere that Sandlin has created is truly ethereal and (what I imagine to be) reminiscent of the 1970s (the story is set in 1973). The descriptions gave me the feel of what the 1970s in Beaumont, Texas must have actually felt like. I’ll be honest, what first drew me to the book was how the cover looked to be very creepy-looking. However, when I started reading it, I was pleased to experience the true in depth and intricate weaving of a southern gothic noir story. What ultimately had me in love with the book, however, was the absolutely fantastic pieces of the story that took place around research, the library, and the absolutely fantastic librarian, Angela! So, to this bookish nerd, the scenes concerning bookish love was just a wonderful experience to partake in.
All in all, this work is a great piece of mystery fiction even if at first it took me awhile to get into - which I totally blame on my inability to make it to the library to pick up a copy of The Do-Right. It is definitely worth getting into if you are curious for or are in love with noir fiction.

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