Do I have readers? I hope that I do. I'd probably do this anyway if I didn't. I wanted to drop in and share a bit of an update as to what's going on with me.
I've been having a hard time as of late, reader. On one hand, I've reached my Goodreads goal of 100 books this year - which is awesome. On the other hand, I've found it very difficult to remain focused and read more...create more. For those who do not know, I draw, watercolor, cross stitch, and embroider here and there. I've very little motivation as of late, however, to do any of these things. My day job has me exhausted, and it has all left me feeling a bit overwhelmed.
I'm sharing this, not to get attention, but so that people out there can understand that these moments of feeling like it's all too much can happen to anyone and at any time. I so want to read and review on here - and think up other content that would be great to share...but I'm taking it one day at a time. And so should you. Kisses and hugs. I'll see you soon.